Review Confirms Bills Got Robbed By Refs vs Texans
A video review confirms that the Bills got robbed by the refs vs the Texans.
Obviously it is too late to matter at this point, but Buffalo clearly fell victim to a bad no-call that ultimately deciding Saturday’s outing.
Heading into this weekend’s big match-up between the Texans and Bills, both teams were thought to be fairly evenly matched. Buffalo was a superior defensive team, Houston a better offensive group.
Surely enough, after the Texans rallied to overcome a 16-point deficit, overtime was needed to determine a victor.
Unfortunately, in overtime, a very controversial play occurred.
With just under seven minutes remaining in the game and the score tied at 19-19, Houston lined up to snap at the ball on 3-and-18.
On this sequence, the play clock could very clearly be seen going down to 0.
Refs missed a delay of game on that play. pic.twitter.com/5E4ED2hDXG
— Jimmy Traina (@JimmyTraina) January 5, 2020
This should have resulted in a penalty, but officials did not call it. Instead, Watson got the ball off and dumped it down to Duke Johnson.
Johnson promptly delivered the yardage necessary to keep the drive alive.
Shortly thereafter Watson magically evaded two tackles and stayed on his feet in a play that has turned him into a legend. Houston would go on to win the game.
While missed calls obviously happen all the time in football, it is still important to acknowledge them.
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Jennifer Withers Hoey is a former Business Development Manager who transitioned to writing about sports. With valuable connections all over the West Coast, she has used those contacts to break some of the most interesting stories pertaining to the Portland Trail Blazers, Oregon Ducks, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, Seattle Supersonics (RIP), and more.
I’m a Seattle fan. The epitome of bad calls was the Seattle/Pittsburg Super Bowl. Refs make mistakes too. It’s part of the game but more and more so it’s become obvious they’re not just mistakes.
I 100% agree with that and I remember that game well. As a life long BILLS fan I’m appalled that refs continue to make these “mistakes” blatantly in front of a national audience and these no retribution for those action. Business as usual. Sad but I will no longer endorse anything NFL because of it
There were three bad calls two during the game and one in the OT. Not sure why the bills are still having bad times with the refs, Ralph Wilson had angered them but he is long gone so I would think they could let go of the grudge against the bills. Too many bad calls maybe we need new refs, or better play reviews or financial penalties on the refs bad calls. Sorry to see games won and lost by the refs instead of the teams
It’s hard sometimes to see if I’m just looking at things from bills fan perspective but they consistently get screwed by the refs. It just seems like any questionable call always goes against the bills like The Music city miracle. NFL wanted Watson and Texans to keep playing. Imo. 3 huge calls all went against bills. They were huge game affecting plays and call/non calls too. Bills still shoulda won just tough when u gotta beat team and refs!
Just like when the play clock went to 0 and a flag was thrown and then the Bills called a time out. Acknowledge!
Keep in mind that the play clock, as seen in the screenshot, is the TV play clock. The official play clock is on the field, and not visible in this view. Would need to see a other camera angle to be sure. This issue has come up before.
View from the field.
Down to zero, not snapped.
There is photos of the play clock
Too much technology not to get the calls right.
Do u remember the game in Buffalo in 1993? Beebe went outta bounds, came back in and caught the ball for a td and Buffalo won? Bad no call there, ain’t the 1st time it has happened against Houston either, won’t be the last…Could call this KARMA….
I am a big Bills fan bern a fan for 40 years. But anyways it wasn’t jyst game against Houston that there was calls againt the bills that was calledor wasn’t called that cost them the game. I know it isn’t just the bills. But more so then other teams. The refs are not doing there kobs right. They really need to do something to make the right calls. It happen to many times to many teams
Bill Belichick and Tom Brady have had a lifetime off bad calls going their way
In the end they a way ahead in this count
This type of human mistake can easily program to be automatic. Once the clock hits zero, an alarm would sound off and red lights flashing to show game clock violation. No need for human intervention exactly like in basketball games.
When the clock says 0 there’s 0.99 seconds left. That’s why hockey added tenths of a second to their clocks
People always crying when their teams loses, suck it up snowflake you’ll get a chance next year lol.
Lmfao we are not crying bout it, it was just bad calls that should of been called 😂. Sound like you suck bradys dick
If you look at the offense called timeout that they received after time ran out. Around about the 6yard line. It was given to them. So I don’t want to hear people crying about bad calls. The had a better time and should have win . But they choked
ya well u also got to look the Houstons whined when the bills grabbed and almost got a score from the fumble Houstons dropped in the 2nd quarter yet they still gave it to the Houstons and bills didn’t get it so both teams had bad calls its football a paid to win sport
Ummmm, Houston actually got the first non reversal in playoffs history on a pass interfence penalty in the first half so I don’t want to hear it! Buffalo had Houston on the ropes most of the game but they didn’t keep the pressure on so they got beat!
… oh so because the coach is an idiot to challenge it shows they didn’t favor the Bills, haha.
The refs called zero post snap penalties on Houston, ZERO.
My guess is that it was also the fault of the refs that Allen took a sack to knock the Bills out of field goal range when they could have won the game, or when he inexplicably tried to lateral. Both teams got screwed on ref calls, and both teams shot themselves in the foot several times, and BOTH teams got away with a no call for delay of game. The Texans just got luckier, and move on to the next round.
The officials should be fired and never allowed to officiate another NFL game for life. Of coarse that wont happen because the corrupt NFL will not straighten out thier crooked Leagye and you wonder why fans wont watch the games. First Kappernick ,then New Orleans game last year now this .
The NFL is getting harder and harder to watch. Officials and rule changes have destroyed the game. Officials must be full-time and judged on there calls.
ya well u also got to look the Houstons whined when the bills grabbed and almost got a score from the fumble Houstons dropped in the 2nd quarter yet they still gave it to the Houstons and bills didn’t get it so both teams had bad calls its football a paid to win sport
No, at 1 there is 1 sec left and it remains one until it goes down to 0. That’s why Hockey and BB added tenths of seconds so teams knew how much time they had to take a shot. When tenths of seconds are on clock then no #1 shows after it goes below 1. But when it says 0 it is 0.
The sad thing is, it wasn’t even that call that bothers bills mafia the most. Not a single after snap penalty was called on Houston the entire game. There was also a very questionable blind side block penalty against buffalo in ot that would’ve resulted in a game winning fg if not called. The biggest blunder is when the refs in black came on to the field to overturn a muffed touchback by Houston on the 2nd half kickoff that should’ve (according to the nfl rulebook) been a td for buffalo. Have b you ever seen refs in black overturn a legitimate td call by the head ref without an official review? Me personally, ive never seen a ref in black in any game, not to mention overturning a td on the field without a review. Fyi.. 80% of the bets in Vegas were on buffalo +2.5… and Houston ended up winning by 3. Hmmmm
I’m amazed that the refs get paid as much money as they do and can make so many bad or non calls like they have done all season.
I was screaming at the screen when the playclock ran out. I am a high school ref and one of the officials has the responsibility to blow the play dead and throw the flag when that happens. I’m sure that is the case in the NFL too and this was a game changing situation where someone fell asleep at the wheel. I agree with people that some of this seems rigged. But in my personal experience human beings miss stuff and get things wrong. The lack of improvement with replay is mystifying to me (and feeds the conspiracy theorists like me).