NFL DraftNews

Denver Broncos Want 2020 NFL Draft Moved Back

Denver Broncos Want 2020 NFL Draft Moved Back

Denver Broncos Want 2020 NFL Draft Moved Back

The Denver Broncos want the 2020 NFL Draft moved back due to the coronavirus pandemic. Team general manager John Elway recently said this much during an interview.

“Really, we feel pretty good about where we are,” Elway said.

“We’d rather have it backed up so we can get all our scouts and everybody in, but if it’s limited and we can stay there and they’re not going to move the draft, we’re in good shape.

“I think that one of the reasons why, with I think the coaches not going to the Combine and them spending the whole week here just on the college side, it’s put us way ahead there because we’ve got the coaches’ rankings already,” he continued.

“The scouts are already working on next year a little bit to the 2021 summer manual, so we feel like we’re in pretty good shape. If it movesia back, great, we’re ready for that. If it doesn’t move, then we’ll be ready for that too.”

At the moment, there don’t appear to be any plans to move the draft back.

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Carlos Garcia

A longtime sports reporter, Carlos Garcia has written about some of the biggest and most notable athletic events of the last 5 years. He has been credentialed to cover MLS, NBA and MLB games all over the United States. His work has been published on Fox Sports, Bleacher Report, AOL and the Washington Post.

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